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How Some "Muslim" Beliefs Are
Sabotaging Our Wealth & Keeping Us Poor

From: The Late Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)
RE: "The Millionaire Who Went To Jannah"
As salaamu alaykum,

Ever feel limited by money -- can’t do what you want, live where you want, provide for your family the way you want, give how you want? 

When you try to get better, you feel like you shouldn't seek more wealth? Like it's more pious to be poor?

Have stories of Muslim worshippers romanticized the financial struggle? Hinting that pious Muslims should turn away from wealth and focus on worship instead?

If you have a love-hate relationship with money, then it's NOT your fault. We’ve been tricked into thinking financial success is greedy and unIslamic. 

You see, most of us were never taught Muslim Money Mastery - the kind that  assures your Dunya… AND paves the path to your Akhirah
What Is "The Millionaire Who Went To Jannah"?
This ONLINE program is NOT a course on making money

It's about you and your relationship with money. 
Tackle Your Money Story In Three Powerful Ways
1. Get honest with your current money situation by deep diving into your emotional and spiritual hangups with money. 

Modules include “Why Am I Broke, Even Though I Make $80k/Year” and “Four Roads Lead to Money, Why Were You Only Taught One?”

2. Draw a concrete vision of where you want to be financially. 

In this section, we get straight down to the numbers with modules like “How Much Does Dreaming Actually Cost?” and “Why Not Be the Hero of Your Own Story?”

3. Build your roadmap to achieving your financial wins with real-world techniques

Modules include “Where Does Zakah Really Come From?” and “When Is Being Off Balance a Good Thing?”

The goal is to save you a 5-year learning curve on money fundamentals that'll carry you your entire life. 
Impact On You And Your Family
When you transform your relationship with money, you'll see positive ripple effects in all parts of your life. 

You'll have the confidence to speak up when others try to put you down, telling you it's not righteous to seek dunya prosperity, or shaming you when you have a nice house or nice car -- you'll now have the knowledge and Islamic arguments to stand confidently against such criticism.

You will be able to stand tall with the nobility of not needing others, not depending on other people. Rather, you will be the one serving and helping others.

Your life enjoyment is not going to be stunted by money. You'll be able to do what you want and never say "I can't afford it."

You'll also have the peace of mind of knowing that if anything happened to you, your family will be alright. They won't have to worry about finances, because you've made smart decisions and taken care of things for them.
Don’t Take My Word For It
"...I had a lot of guilt connected with being a practicing Muslim and making a really good income, some of it from when I was growing up. I wanted to properly understand the Islamic perspective of wealth and success.

During the course we went through many different limiting beliefs and where some of them come from, including the ways that certain verses and hadith are misunderstood.

I found it fascinating the amount of wealth that was present among the Sahaaba and all of the good that they did with it, contrasted to the attitudes many of our Muslim communities have today.

...this course was my first introduction to the concepts and it really opened my eyes to how much this ‘lack mentality’ affects us, individually and as a whole.

Muhammad Alshareef is *very* skilled in helping you to see things and reframe them in a new, empowering way, and really helps you to see how the limiting beliefs actually limit your potential to bring about change in the Ummah and make an impact on the world. He is full of energy and enthusiasm for the subject and I’d love to see more people view wealth and success in a positive light, with his expertise.

Something I that when you are struggling with finances, then the amount of help you can give is limited to your physical presence, but when you are doing well financially, then the amount of good you can do can spread far without you needing to be present, physically. For me, that is a very powerful and inspiring concept, and I believe this course will help you learn how to do the inner work to get you there."


"Attending the 'Millionaire who went to Jannah' by Shk. Muhammad Alshareef was the turning point for me. It completely changed my mindset about money and Alhamdhillah, today I'm a full time entrepreneur."

Sabeel Ahmed

"...this course will give you so much insight into the how money works or doesn't. 

It will teach you how to become mindful of this blessing, how to make money work for you rather than you just being enslaved by it.

We have been brainwashed into believing that you can either be rich or you can be religious, to be both is unacceptable! Yet each human being has been gifted with a talent, sometimes hidden, sometimes suppressed that can become his means to make millions.

This course will teach you the Truth about Money in Islam. This is much more than just another course about money management, this is a course that will completely change your perspective about money. Money is not the root of all evil, it is human beings who misuse money that leads to evil.

Anyone who loves money, who wants more of it, who is outwardly judgmental and secretly envious of those who have it MUST take this course.”

Aaliya Sheikh

Here's Exactly What You'll Get Inside
The Millionaire Who Went To Jannah:
  • Module 1 Lesson 1 - Was That Imam a Little Too Cool? In this visualization exercise, we're bringing out the emotions you have deep down inside about money and deen. From here, we'll build you up towards positive Islamic associations between deen and money.
  • Module 1 Lesson 2 - What's your story? In our first activity, you’ll do a challenging but powerful exercise that will change the direction of your life in sha Allah. 
  • Module 1 Lesson 3 - What's Eman got to do with it? In a lesson that you won't learn anywhere else, we're going to talk about the link between eman and finances and how to make your financial journey a spiritual journey.
  • Module 1 Lesson 4 - Do all rich people go to Paradise? Here we're going to talk about ice cream sales, murders, causation, correlation and the link between wealth, poverty, hellfire and paradise.
  • Module 1 Lesson 5 - Is money a cute three-toed alien from Venus? This experiential activity will give you insights into your own beliefs about money that you might not even know you have.
  • Module 1 Lesson 6 - To you, what is money exactly? Here, we're going to go even deeper into your money beliefs. Be sure to write what comes to mind at each prompt so you can get into the depths of what's inside your mind and heart in regards to money.
  • Module 1 Lesson 7 - Does Allah want you to be rich? How should we, as Muslims, really be viewing money? What should we be doing with it? How do we prioritize between our needs, our families' needs and the community's needs?
  • Module 1 Lesson 8 - What does karate teach us about money? Here we're going to draw from an old movie classic - The Karate Kid - to learn some fundamental lessons about making money and becoming wealthy.
  • Module 1 Lesson 9 - Why am I broke even though I make $80k/year? Where is all your money going? How is it possible for someone to make $80,000/year and not have money at the end of the month? You're going to figure that out right here for yourself so you know exactly what's going on with your money.
  • Module 1 Lesson 10- Are you swimming for your life? Where are you in your financial life? Are you treading water? Moving forward? Drowning? How do you get where you want to go?
  • Module 1 Lesson 11 - Four roads lead to money, why were you only taught one? Here we're going to talk about the different ways you have of making money -- regardless of what your educational background may be. We’ll go through an example to spark your thinking on the different possibilities you have before you so you can start opening multiple streams of income to increase your wealth.
  • Module 2 Lesson 1 - Who wants to be a billionaire? Why inflated goals are just an excuse. What's your point B? Have you actually thought about your financial goal in terms of what you actually want to do and want to have? How much does your dream life actually cost? That's what we're going to do now. Let's set some real goals so you know what your destination is.
  • Module 2 Lesson 2 - Financial freedom is freedom from what? We often talk about the goal of financial freedom but what does it really mean? And is that what you want out of your life? Let's look at things another way and set a goal of living a life you love.
  • Module 2 Lesson 3 - If money is a metaphor, then what is it you really want? Here we're going to get into a massive mindset change. First, we want to get to the bottom of what you really want money for. You want it to buy stuff but why? Then what? What are you really aiming for and is money the best path to get there?
  • Module 2 Lesson 4 - How much does dreaming actually cost? Here we're going to unleash your dreams. I'm going to ask you to stand up and do a visualization exercise with me. Follow along and don't hold back as we're going to visualize your dreams coming true in every facet of your life.
  • Module 2 Lesson 5 - RPM Here you're going to learn how to do an RPM. With this tool, you will be able to get more done in less time with more enthusiasm and less stress. Sounds too good to be true, right? Try it. Really. This is one of the tools I use the most in my own life.
  • Module 2 Lesson 6 - Can I get a price check on isle dream? Remember those dreams you came up with a couple of lessons ago? Here we're going to put a price tag on them. And when you realize that you don't need to own everything or buy it outright to experience and enjoy it, you'll be surprised to find out how much your dream life actually costs.
  • Module 2 Lesson 7 - So how much do you really need? It's time for you to figure out exactly how much you need per month or per year to live the life of your dreams. Let's get some real numbers here.
  • Module 2 Lesson 8 - Why not be a hero in your own story? We're going to do a visualization exercise here. It might seem kind of weird, but it's going to give you a deep sense of happiness and gratitude and a different way of looking at your life.
  • Module 3 Lesson 1 - When is being off balance a good thing? Here we build the foundations that you will need to get from where you are to where you want to be in your financial life. You will learn exactly what we mean when we talk about income, expenses, assets and liabilities and how being off balance in those is actually a good thing.
  • Module 3 Lesson 2 - Where does zakah come from? Let's get into some straight money talk about assets and liabilities and find out how paying more zakah will actually you richer.
  • Module 3 Lesson 3 - Have you got more than one bucket? How do you decide how much to invest, how much to save for a rainy day and how much to spend? With this simple system, you'll have that all figured out so you can spend to your heart's content on whatever you want in the dunya and aakhirah knowing that your security and your investments are already taken care of.
  • Module 3 Lesson 4 - Guess what's your biggest expense? "A small hole can sink the mightiest of ships." Along with offensive strategies to gain wealth, we need to implement defensive strategies to protect our wealth. Here we're going to talk about the three biggest defensive strategies and I'll share with you my own experience of how they worked for me.
In Addition to these BONUSES:
  • BONUS #1: 5 Ways to Simultaneously Increase Your Wealth AND Nearness to Allah" by Sh. Yasir Qadhi
  • You'll learn:
  • * Surprising and sometimes counterintuitive ways to increase wealth, based on the Qur'an and Sunnah
  • * Answers to some of the most common misconceptions about the Islamic view of dunya wealth

  •  BONUS #2: Straight Outta College ~ Muslims and Stock Investment: What your local Khutbah will never address 
  • Find out:
  •    * How to navigate the Haram pitfalls of stock market investment?
  •    * How a Muslim should deal with 401k plans? 
  •    * When to enter the stock market, and when to exit?
  •    * How can a Muslim diversify their investments, without falling into Riba?
  • Who: An interview between Muhammad Alshareef and Monem Salam
  • Who is Monem Salam?
  • Monem has been quoted on all major newspapers and magazines, featured in BusinessWeek, SmartMoney, and Kiplinger’s and appeared on such TV stations as CNBC, Fox News, Bloomberg TV and
  • Co-author of a book called “A Muslim’s Guide to Investing And Personal Finance”
  • He was the deputy fund manager at Shariah compliant Amana Income fund in the U.S.; For the 10 yr. period ending 2010, Amana Income Fund was the best performing fund in its category; i.e. #1.
  • BONUS #3: eBook: Seven Ways to Increase Your Wealth & Love for Allah
  •  BONUS #4: 'Beast Mode Activated: 10 Specific Real World Strategies to Be Your Own Boss' With Muhammad Alshareef
In addition to 
2 Recorded Question & Answer Sessions 
with Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef (rA)
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